Sunday evening May 15th 2011 saw the inaugural banquet to the 2011 Petron International Distributor Meeting.
39 attendee’s and spouses set the stage for an enlightening, educational and enjoyable three days in the beautiful snow capped Teton Mountains of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
While meeting attendees sat through a myriad of information from twenty seven presentations, their spouses enjoyed a guided tour of the fabulous Yellowstone National Park taking in the natural beauty and wildlife of this incredibly picturesque location.
Presentations were made by domestic and international Petron personnel along with distributors and counterparts from around the world. Guest speakers from Bucyrus, FLS/Maag and AC Equipment added to the interesting array of topics.
Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Peru and South Africa were represented along with distributors operating in the United States
Petron wishes to thank all attendees for a most enjoyable and informative meeting and look forward to seeing you at the 2013 Distributor Meeting.